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As John shows, the members of Tipula s.str. (paludosa, oleracea) have clear wings with a dark margin. While I mostly identify Tipula based on male genitalia, Tipula luteipennis is a good candidate here with its yellowish, shortened wings.
Spinnen; auch ein wenig Weberknechte, Wanzen, Panorpa.
well Simeon is a Nematocera specialist (as well as Arachnologist), so you have a trustworthy opinion.
I'm a specialized Brachycera and limited spider enthusiast. I specialize in Calliphoridae/Polleniidae but i am able to help with Muscidae, Fanniidae and a small amount of Anthomyiidae. I do focus alot on Helina and Phaonia genera from Muscidae. The only Nematocera group that i can regularly identify with accuracy is Nephrotoma. I have trouble with Nematocera so i only id by male genitalia.
Well, I am not really a Nematocera specialist either (except Trichocera and Bibionidae) and also mostly ID Nematocera microscopically . I would wait for a true Tipula expert's confirmation first. In the meantime, I could add one "vermutlich" or cf. to the ID. I just wanted to say this is not a member of Tipula s.str. according to my knowledge.
Spinnen; auch ein wenig Weberknechte, Wanzen, Panorpa.
the wing venation does not fit with most Tipula. I failed to start with rule number 1: examine wing venation. The closest match that i can find by wing venation is Angarotipula tumidicornis. I use the following site when trying to id any Nematocera:
you should definitely seek out a Tipulidae expert, such as Oesterbroek for an opinion.